Business Lawyers
Representing Burlington, WI | Kenosha, WI
Terry & Nudo specializes in serving the legal needs of our business clients in the Burlington, WI and Kenosha, WI areas. Practicing business law reauires in-depth knowledge of a variety of legal disciplines, including: employment law, sales, intellectual property, tax law, real estate and many other areas. Business lawyers assist in the creation of new businesses as well as performing valuable legal services for existing companies. Terry & Nudo has a solid reputation with dozens of Southeastern Wisconsin businesses for skilled and effective representation. They know the law so you don’t have to.
Specific Business Law Practice Areas
Business Organization for Corporations, Partnerships and LLCs
How you structure your business makes a big difference in your profitability and the liability you are exposed to. The type of structure you choose for your business will affect the taxes you pay and the paperwork you are required to do. There are a number of resources available to prospective business owners. One of the most important is a qualified law firm that specializes in business law, like Terry & Nudo.
Condominium Owners’ Associations
Most condominium projects are governed by a set of bylaws, which is overseen by the Condominium Owners Association under the direction of its board of directors. The bylaws are a legal document, the principles of which may or may not be upheld in court challenges. It is vital that disputes that involve challenges to the bylaws be under the direction of a qualified attorney, skilled in the creation and administration of COA bylaws.
Non-profit Organizations
Most nonprofit organizations are governed by a volunteer board of directors. Nonprofit status is a legal procedure that requires IRS certification and submission of all of the proper paperwork to both the federal government and to the state in which it will operate. Most nonprofits do not have the capacity to keep legal counsel on retainer. But it is important that they have a firm they can turn to when issues arise. Terry & Nudo represents nonprofits with equal fervor to all of their other clients, recognizing the valuable role that they play in our communities.
Business Purchase/Sale
Buying or selling a business is a lot more complicated that transactions involving a personal residence. Besides physical structures, business transactions often involve inventory, receivables/payables, intellectual property and many other assets unique to the business. Many times noncompete agreements are a factor to be considered in the sale or purchase of a business. Terry & Nudo is a leading business law firm in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Our attorneys know the questions to ask and the procedures to follow to assure that your transaction goes of on schedule, on budget and on target.
Business Succession Plans
One of the most overlooked yet most important facets of operating a successful business. As owners retire or move on for other reasons, having a detailed plan in place that outlines the structure and procedures going forward can keep the business profitable. Focus on the bottom line and day-to-day operations is easier to do knowing that if the inevitable change in leadership happens the business will continue.